Bauxite industry

Bauxite is a sedimentary rock composed of aluminum-bearing minerals. It is used to produce alumina, which is then used to manufacture products such as aluminum packaging and electronic products.

Bauxite production is the collection and processing of bauxite rock to produce alumina. Bauxite production is a complex process involving advanced mining techniques.

Bauxite production is important because it provides the raw material for the production of alumina, which is used to manufacture a variety of products. It can also make a significant contribution to the local economy.

A bauxite production company collects and processes bauxite to produce alumina. Bauxite production companies are often involved in exploration and mining, power generation and the supply of building materials.

A bauxite company's partners or stakeholders may include local governments, environmental organizations, local businesses and community groups.

Business and Economy in Guinea

The Republic of Guinea is on the right track to improving its business climate, and important measures have been taken to encourage private domestic and foreign investment.

Since September 2021, Guinea has been ruled by Mr. Mamadi Doumbouya, under a transitional regime.

Guinea is divided into four regions:
- Basse-Côte
- Middle Guinea
- Upper Guinea
- Guinea Forestière.
The subsoil is rich in various minerals. Guinea has the world's largest bauxite reserves, estimated at 40 billion tonnes proven.

GT West Africa

GT West Africa is a transport and logistics company specializing in the transport and extraction of minerals such as bauxite and gold. Our company is distinguished by its strong commitment to the diaspora, whose investments enable us to finance the equipment needed for mining operations. Our aim is to increase investment in this sector and enable as many people as possible to generate income through this initiative.
We are legally established in Guinea and the United Arab Emirates (Dubai), with a commercial and consulting presence in France.

GT West Africa has direct contracts with the main mining players in Guinea, as well as with state players seeking to construct buildings where the need for machinery is essential.

Mining companies have enormous resources to extract and transport ore (fleet of hundreds of trucks, train with 100 wagons, etc.). They call on companies to sub
for several reasons:
- As work is intensive, they constantly need to renew their fleet and rely on new machines.
- The quantity to be transported is gigantic (over 40 billion tonnes of proven bauxite in Guinea).
- To promote local content, they need to work with Guinean companies such as GT West Africa.

- Understand local regulations and transportation requirements for ore transport in Guinea.
- A sufficiently large and diversified fleet to meet different transport needs.
- Establish strong partnerships with mining operators to help plan and coordinate transport operations.
- Assess risks and maintain high safety standards for personnel and equipment.
- An efficient logistics management system to ensure equipment availability, route planning and coordination, and precise delivery times.

1. GT West Africa opens a kitty.
2. Each investor can participate with an entry ticket of €2,500.
3. Depending on the amount of the investment, the investor will receive a fixed number of shares and an estimated monthly income (see Simulator).
4. Once the fundraising target has been reached (€75,000) or more, depending on the type of machine proposed, GT West Africa will purchase, transport, bring up to standard and insert the machine into the mine (on average 2 to 3 months after the machine has been manufactured).
5. The investor and GT West Africa finalize the administrative procedures (contract binding the investor to GT West Africa).
6. The machine (truck/excavator, etc.) starts work once it arrives in Guinea, and the investor receives a percentage of the machine's profits on a quarterly basis, in proportion to his contribution.

Investment and Finance

It all depends on the type of machine on which the investment will be made (GT West Africa offers to invest in 3 types of machine). That said, we are looking at a payback period of between 14 and 15 months.

The machines are equipped with GPS trackers, enabling instant monitoring of performance in the field. In addition, the GT West Africa team shares a monthly summary of activity
with details and comments (monthly tonnage / number of kilometers traveled / fuel consumption).

1. Invest in a trusted company with expertise in its field.
2. Invest peacefully in Africa, without stress and with total transparency.
3. Short-term ROI/RSI (Return on Investment).
4. Earn passive income that lasts.
5. Create a virtuous circle and make a concrete contribution to improving the lives of Guineans and Africans.
6. Contribute to the establishment of a reliable economic alternative made by Africans for Africans.
7. Strengthen exchanges between the diaspora and the continent.

The investor will be able to participate in the financing directly through the GT West Africa website and make the online payment by credit card via Stripe or PayPal. In addition, the investor can contact GT West Africa directly by e-mail or WhatsApp to make a bank transfer to GT West Africa's business account (we recommend using the WIZE solution). Once the sum has been received, the investor will receive a receipt.

GT West Africa is the diaspora's trusted partner. GT West Africa collects and holds the money until the kitty is full. Disbursements to our suppliers for purchases are also made progressively.

If we haven't reached our target, we extend the fund into the following month and multiply our information campaigns. (On average, financing is completed in no more than 3 months) After 3 months of financing the new machine, if the investor does not wish to wait or no longer commit to the project before the kitty is finalized, he is free to recover his investment on request to the GT West Africa teams.
GT West Africa communicates regularly on the progress of the kitty and the approximate start-up date.

Each investor will receive a bank transfer corresponding to the net amount payable for the quarterly activity, in proportion to the units invested.

Depending on where you live, you may be required to declare your foreign income.

Investors are the owners of the machines, each according to the number of shares they hold.

GT West Africa plays the following roles:
- Investment club financial manager in Africa: Collect money, make purchases and redistribute profits / Reward.
- Fleet Manager: Manage equipment and contracts.
- 10% commission on gear management for the first year, then 15% for the second year, based on monthly gear activity.

Sustainability and Life Cycle

5 years on average (first 3 years of full productivity, then a drop in productivity in years 4 and 5).

Cf. Simulator: on average, investors will make a multiple of around 3 on their initial investment over a 5-year period, i.e. a 5-year ROI of around 200%.

Risks and Insurance

- Risk of capital loss.
- Risk of loss of material goods.

The truck is insured by our insurance partner based in Guinea.

Any investment in this field carries a risk of capital and property loss. If the truck has a major or minor breakdown, we will call on our partner who insures the vehicle in order to benefit from the services we have subscribed to in the insurance contract.
In the event of a serious accident that renders the truck unusable, the insurance partner will open an investigation and assess the amount of compensation. Once this amount has been set, it will be redistributed to investors.

Contract Management and Profitability

We carry out an audit of the company and a site visit lasting several days to remove any grey areas.

Based on our work history, we define an achievable average income, taking into account environmental variables.

If the investor wishes to terminate his investment, he will have to resell his shares, based on the machine's market value, which depreciates by 20% each year. CF Contract.

We have set up a sponsorship system for each business contributor. Cf. Business introducer appendix.

Contact us

We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.